Auckland relocation grant to end

“Since the Relocation from Auckland Assistance was introduced in June 2016, there has been an across-the-board increase in the demand for public and private housing, especially in regions and towns close to Auckland. “This initiative was just shifting the housing...

Building housing in Auckland

As one of Auckland’s largesthousing developers and builders, Fletcher Living understands this issue all too well. We know a lot of Aucklanders want to own their own homes, and we can see the impact that supply issues are having on affordability and the...

KiwiBuild unit set up in MBIE

The KiwiBuild Unit will be responsible for: · Building KiwiBuild homes as part of redevelopment of state housing land, alongside new state and open market homes. · Scaling up the building of KiwiBuild homes on underutilised Crown-owned land. · Purchasing (or...
Auditor-General report on social housing

Auditor-General report on social housing

The Auditor-General published a report today looking at how well Housing New Zealand uses information to meet the needs of its tenants in its management of tenancies, maintenance of houses, and management and investment in new and existing housing. They made a number...

Cost of building a home in NZ continues to rise

Photo RNZ QV costbuilder figuresshow the average cost of building a standard 140m², three bedroom, one bathroom home increased by the most in Wellington and Hamilton over the past year, up 2.1% to an average cost of $261,265 in both regions. In comparison, Palmerston...

The Government’s pre-budget policy statement for 2018

The overall size of the economy, nominal GDP, is forecast to be cumulatively $1.5 Billion higher than in the Pre-election Economic and Fiscal Update (Pre-election Update) over the four years to 2020/21. This, along with policy changes in the 100-Day Plan, flows...
Partitions and units may deliver more homes

Partitions and units may deliver more homes

RACHAEL KELLY/STUFF Stuff reported on the research saying the type of additional dwellings would include converting basements and attics, placing extra dwellings on existing properties or a detached residence in a backyard or off a rear lane. The idea has been...

Housing New Zealand will not be restructured

JOHN HAWKINS/STUFF Stuff news say the state social housing provider is currently run as crown entity, housing 64,500 families. “Housing New Zealand is full of people who are motivated by the best of intentions,” Twyford said. “It’s about being...