Rental homes in poorer condition than owner occupied homes

Rental homes in poorer condition than owner occupied homes

Of the more than 500 houses assessed in the BRANZ Housing Condition Survey, nearly a third of rentals felt damp, three times as many as the owner-occupied properties. Assessors rated rental properties twice as likely to be ‘poorly maintained’. The survey,...

New social housing quarterly report out

The report shows that: ·$550 million total housing support provided in the March 2017 quarter (89 days) ·Helped 1800 households into homes ·4865 people on the housing register – up 2 per cent on last quarter ·9218 emergency housing Special Needs Grants paid to 2616...

Life When Renting – mid-term summit

This research programme asks, what are the future implications for NZ of growing dependence on the rental market? It is about the future of older people in an increasingly diverse NZ where there is not only population ageing but also NZ’s previously very high rate of...
27 April CHA Newsletter

Community Housing Aotearoa Newsletter 13 April 2017

We also look at new research on community housing providers, procurement and the building industry and there will be a briefing on this and other research on 9 May. Included is an update on the Auckland emergency housing network and a look at the research on...
Rental homes in poorer condition than owner occupied homes

New research on positive outcomes in affordable housing

These reports, along with a summary reports (bulletin and synthesis), are attached here: ·HF Research Bulletin April 2017.pdf – an over view of all three studies – Housing Foundation (HF) ·Social and Economic Impacts of Housing Tenure FCSPRU.pdf – Family Centre...

Release of the EOI on Christchurch HNZ stock transfer

Social Housing Minister Amy Adams says, “There are opportunities to improve services to tenants. We are looking for community housing providers prepared to step up to help support tenants to achieve housing independence and bring much-needed innovation and expertise...

Auckland emergency housing network update

Welcomed by Bernie Smith from Monte Cecilia, Minister Adams was introduced to members of the network. The longstanding work of network members and their proven track record within their local communities was acknowledged by Bernie. “Each service provides a one-on-one...