a) Currently ‘the market’ is the predominant driver of what NZ stands for, but that is only a choice made by our successive governments.
b) The global goals that NZ signed up to provide a much more comprehensive and coherent framework for addressing all our specific issues in a sustainable way. In September 2015, 193 world leaders agreed to 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development. If these Goals are completed, it would mean an end to extreme poverty, inequality and climate change by 2030. So there is a plan to save our planet…it’s our job to make sure our government sticks to the plan. The full list of goals is at Transforming our World.
c) What areas should we as a country focus on to ensure long-term wellbeing, stability and hope for all citizens? For example;
i. Vulnerable Children – trusting our community-based approaches is the way to strengthen society. Responses driven solely by government have had disastrous results and have sidelined the stability that comes from integrating family and community supports. Co-design of services is essential to meet the need of our diverse population, particularly for Māori; See SDG Goal 3
ii. Secure Jobs and Incomes – these enable stronger families and communities, securing individual wellbeing for all; See SDG Goal 8
iii. Kia Kōrero Tātou – Commitment to the Treaty of Waitangi – genuine engagement and partnership approaches to issues;
- Te Reo and inclusion of Māori views used consistently and deeply in all government papers;
- Active support and championing of dynamic Māori initiatives in all spheres;
- Target date and target volumes set for compulsory Te Reo in schools. See SDG Goal 10
iv. Housing – we need long-term planning for stability, and that requires active government leadership in collaboration with community and private sectors; See SDG Goal 11
v. Water, Air, Forests and Oceans – we need genuine commitments based on shared commitments of all the parties, nationally and regionally, and strategised wider than the few issues that currently dominate political discourse and lobbying – a healthy environment is a key enabler for a healthy community. See SDG Goal 14 and Goal 15
vi. Justice and Incarceration – we need to move away from a punitive approach to these, moving towards greater support of programmes that enable and support change for individuals and marginal cultures, inside and outside prisons; See SDG Goal 16