Overwhelming interest from developers in KiwiBuild

“Our early market testing indicated we would get a healthy response but I did not envision this level of interest. It shows that the people who actually know how to build the homes this country so desperately needs are right behind KiwiBuild,” Phil Twyford said. The...

New Housing and Urban Development Ministry

The new Ministry of Housing and Urban Development will be established from 1 August. It will officially start operating on 1 October. “Addressing the national housing crisis is one of the biggest challenges our Government faces. The new Ministry will provide the focus...

New Ministry of Housing and Urban Development welcomed by CHA

The new Ministry will provide the coordinated policy advice required to deliver better housing outcomes.We think this will contribute to our sector’s vision of all New Zealanders well-housed. CEO Scott Figenshow says “We expect this will enable government to maximise...

Ending Homelessness in Aotearoa – Will Budget 2018 do the trick?

An estimated 41,000 people in a nation of 4.7 million people are in ‘severe housing stress’ – living in cars, tents and garages. These figures are just the tip of the iceberg, however, and homelessness needs to be seen in the context of failures in the wider...

25,000 Northlanders in healthier homes

Healthy Homes Tai Tokerau (HHTT) this week celebrated a decade making Northland homes warmer and drier – 5037 homes in the Far North, 808 in Kaipara and 3235 in Whangarei District – improving health outcomes for around 25,000 Northlanders. That is the view of Ngaire...

The establishment of affordable housing zones

In cities the Government could consider applying our own local model of the United States concept of rent controlled buildings although it appears the jury is out on its success. Horowhenua is a good case study because land and property developers have moved into the...

Winter causes ‘intense’ pressure for homelessness sector

Homeless people camp outside Auckland City Mission. Photo: RNZ/Eva Corlett. Hobson Street in central Auckland is home to apartment blocks, hotels, businesses and traffic. The high concrete buildings turn this main road into a gusty wind tunnel. On the eve of the first...

More housing for whānau in Northland

Housing and Urban Development Minister Phil Twyford and Māori Development Minister Nanaia Mahuta announced Government investment of $8.7 million in housing initiatives in Whangarei, Kaikohe and Kaitaia. The Ministers visited the Ōtangarei community this morning, which...