Winter causes ‘intense’ pressure for homelessness sector

Homeless people camp outside Auckland City Mission. Photo: RNZ/Eva Corlett. Hobson Street in central Auckland is home to apartment blocks, hotels, businesses and traffic. The high concrete buildings turn this main road into a gusty wind tunnel. On the eve of the first...

The establishment of affordable housing zones

In cities the Government could consider applying our own local model of the United States concept of rent controlled buildings although it appears the jury is out on its success. Horowhenua is a good case study because land and property developers have moved into the...

Housing First programme proves value in Auckland

“The Housing First Auckland collective was launched in March last year to end homelessness for 472 chronically homeless adults and families in Auckland,” Phil Twyford said. “That’s 227 people and their wider families that Housing First has changed the lives of....

Stop KiwiBuild Uncertainty

Recent reports from Treasury and The Chief Executive of New Zealand Certified Builders indicating the programme may not be able to deliver the housing required creates uncertainty for families who see KiwiBuild as their path to homeownership. In the middle of the...

Short supply of houses ups rents and creates working poor

“While the focus has been on house prices and first home buyers, little attention has been paid to the drastic need for extra rental accommodation”. This fact demonstrates that, while the Salvation Army has said that high rents are creating the working...

More Kōtuitui Places needed please – CHA

Nearly 300 houses will be developed over the next five years as part of the Kōtuitui Place development. This project is being driven by Ākitai Waiohua and the Puhinui partnership of the New Zealand Housing Foundation, Te Tumu Kāinga and CORT Community Housing, along...