Hudson Sellars Apprentice Scholarship

Hudson was always an advocate for our trades’ contractors – and he met most of them in the course of his daily work. One of his constant desires, and something that’s a challenge for all of us competing for the services of skilled trades people, was to encourage...

New Zealand Green Building Council’s report on the budget lock-up

Kia ora All the news today has been about the Government’s 2018 Budget. I was in the lock-up, and was able to get the details directly from the Finance Minister before he stood up in Parliament to announce the Government’s intentions to the nation. Below is our...

More Kōtuitui Places needed please – CHA

Nearly 300 houses will be developed over the next five years as part of the Kōtuitui Place development. This project is being driven by Ākitai Waiohua and the Puhinui partnership of the New Zealand Housing Foundation, Te Tumu Kāinga and CORT Community Housing, along...
MSD’s Public Housing: Update

MSD’s Public Housing: Update

May has been a big month for the Public Housing sector. On 4 May, the Prime Minister and Minister Twyford announced a $100 million investment into tackling homelessness this winter, and Thursday’s budget announcement gave us insight to the Government’s long-term plan...

​300 new homes for Manukau

The new neighbourhood – Kōtuitui Place – will offer a range of dwellings, from one-bedroom apartments to four-bedroom houses. At least 50 per cent will be sold under an affordable housing scheme and there will be a range of purchase models including rent-to-buy and...

Budget delivers big first step in addressing our housing crisis

CEO Scott Figenshow says the representative body for community housing providers is pleased to see the increase in social housing places to 1600 per year for the next four years, up from 1000 per year signalled earlier. “While it’s a level of investment we haven’t...