Wellington council passes affordable housing plan

Wellington mayor Justin Lester Photo: RNZ / Rebekah Parsons-King The council’s city strategy committee voted this morning to adopt the recommendations of the Mayor’s Taskforce on Housing. The committee said the policy would allow 40,000 new homes to be...

Will Tamaki Regeneration meet its targets?

The NZ Herald have reported new figures that reveal 213 houses, 2.84 per cent of 7500 homes to be built in the next 10 to 15 years as part of the Tamaki Regeneration project, have been built to date. Over the next year the Tamaki Regeneration Company (TRC) chief...

Housing Crisis debate 7 September

This was informative and thought provoking and moved the discussion on how to address the housing crisis a little further forward. With over 200 people showing up, it was a full event. A spokesperson from each political party (bar National) presented their housing...

BRANZ assessing guide for medium density development

The purpose of this project is to identify and quantify the benefits of medium density housing as a housing option. This could include the lower cost of medium density housing compared with standalone homes, as well as the fact that is often closer to amenities and to...

​What the banks don’t tell you!!

It would be fair to say that what we heard in his 20-minute presentation was nothing short of jaw dropping. In his non-alarmist, often humorous and understated way, he delivered a very frank account of the way financial institutions conduct themselves and gave us an...

Te Matapihi calls for Māori housing finance reform

Thursday, 21 September 2017, 10:07 am Press Release: Te Matapihi Advocate calls for Māori housing finance reform 21 September 2017 – In a statement made last Sunday 17 September, Māori Party co-leader Marama Fox promoted the party’s Iwibank policy, which will...

A housing plan for New Zealand

A housing plan for New Zealand By James Goodhue | Guest writer September 9, 2017 (The original article on the Spinoff here) How does New Zealand get out of the housing hole it’s bought and sold itself into? Property and construction professional James Goodhue has a...

Kāpiti taskforce submits housing plan to council

Mr Gurunathan said the seriousness of the situation was brought home to him when he met the family living in a garage. “That really brought to the fore for me, the responsibility as a mayor to say, ‘Look, I don’t want to see this in my community...

Wellington Council housing taskforce update

The Wellington City Council is also planning to set up a new political housing sub-committee to ensure all Wellingtonians are well housed. There is an estimated shortfall of about 3900 homes in the city and an extra 37,000 homes will be required to meet a population...