Housing NZ to right meth testing wrong

“Housing NZ acknowledges that around 800 tenants suffered by either losing their tenancies, losing their possessions, being suspended from the public housing waiting list, negative effects on their credit ratings or, in the worst cases, being made homeless. “Housing...

QLCHT Explores Affordable Housing Option in Arrowtown

The Queenstown Lakes Community Housing Trust (QLCHT or the Trust) has approached QLDC to conduct Geotech exploration of Council-owned land at Jopp Street, Arrowtown. While the Council has made no decision at this time about the use of this land, it has agreed to allow...

Te Puea Memoria Marae To Host Hui For Urban Homelessness

For the past year, the research team has been working with the Marae to co-develop the Te Manaaki o te Marae research programme. Key to the research is to better understand why their Manaaki Tāngata E Rua transitional housing programme is so successful at supporting...

New Wellington social housing site completed

The units – ranging between one and four bedrooms – occupy part of the former Arlington Apartments site in Mount Cook, the Council’s largest social housing site. Mayor Justin Lester joined representatives of local iwi, Taranaki Whānui ki te Upoko o te Ika, in a...

​ Fletcher invests tens of millions on prefab housing factory

The plant will initially be capable of pre-building some 500 homes a year, with capacity to grow output quickly to 1,000 homes annually, Fletcher Living chief executive Steve Evans told BusinessDesk. KiwiBuild aims to build 100,000 affordable homes during the next...

Ballot for first KiwiBuild homes opens today

These first 18 homes are warm, modern and architecturally-designed stand-alone homes, made up of 12 three-bedroom homes selling for $579,000 and six four-bedroom homes selling for $649,000. The ballot runs for four weeks. Jacinda Ardern says KiwiBuild is restoring the...

30 public homes planned for Horowhenua welcomed

The government will partner with community housing providers to build these homes, which will help to achieve a goal of more than 6,400 new public homes across New Zealand by 2022. “We’re pleased the government has recognised that Horowhenua has a shortage of...