Inclusionary zoning part of the capital funding solution

Listen to Scott Figenshow being interviewed by Mike Hosking on Newstalk ZB on 23 August 2018. Read CRESA’s Research Bulletin and the New Zealand Herald article below. NZ Herald article NewstalkZB Saville-Smith_2018_following_the_money.pdf

​Tenants still paying meth debts a month after report

Documents obtained under the Official Information Act show Housing New Zealand (HNZ) has identified and contacted 53 tenants who were still making debt payments for meth-related damage. “All have been written to and spoken to in person requesting that they stop...

Building Better Homes and Cities Reveals Research Focus

Continuing to address New Zealand’s housing needs, the National Science Challenge is digging deeper into housing for our ageing population and how we can build spaces for generations. It is also investigating the delivery of more affordable, healthy homes and the...

Lisa Woolley celebrates 20 years at VisionWest

L-R: Hon Alfred Ngaro, Hon Paula Bennett, Lisa Woolley and Councillor Linda Cooper. With the presentation of a taonga and afternoon tea, Lisa’s family, local supporters and VisionWest staff gathered to reflect on and honour her long service. After a welcome by local...

​Tackling barriers to Māori housing

Iwi, financial and legal experts, banking sector representatives and Māori housing providers have gathered for the wānanaga in Auckland, hosted by Te Matapihi, with support from Te Puni Kōkiri. “Getting finance is one of the biggest barriers that whānau face to build...

KiwiBuild pre-qualification opens

From today, aspiring homeowners can apply online at to determine if they are eligible to enter a ballot for a KiwiBuild home. Phil Twyford says the opening of the pre-qualification process is good news for New Zealanders who are locked out of the...

Rent arrears, a big issue for the rental property industry

“It can also take many weeks to even get a Tenancy Tribunal hearing, while tenants can sit in a property without paying rent. Without a Tenancy Tribunal order you cannot get a non-paying tenant out of your property. Even when you do, it can then take many more...