Housing Quarterly Report released on 1 February 2018

We are pleased to see MSD continually improving and strengthening the transparency of the data. There is an open invitation to our sector to identify further opportunities for MSD to improve the reports. You can read the full report here. We note that proportionally,...

​New transitional housing development opens in Napier

Ms Salesa attended the blessing of the final five homes in Maraenui’s Kelvin Place this morning. “This Housing New Zealand development is part of an overall response to address housing needs in Hawke’s Bay,” Ms Salesa says. “The 10 one-bedroom homes in the Kelvin...

Growing waiting list shows need for more public housing

Figures released today for the December 2017 quarter show the total number of people on the public housing waiting list rose 5 per cent to 7,725. The waiting list is now comprised of 6,182 households in need of a state house and a further 1,543 waiting to be...

Child poverty targets realistic, but income needs urgent

“Ten years may seem like a long time but the reality is that poverty among children is deeply entrenched, and the result of years of economic changes that have impacted severely on families,” says CPAG Co-convenor Alan Johnson. “It will take us a...