Opening speech for CHA Impact Conference

With a full audience of 184 people at CHA’s annual conference held today in Wellington at Te Wharewaka ki Poneke, the Minister of Social Housing, Paula Bennett, discussed the Government’s support of the community housing sector. Here is the speech.

Tauranga and Masterton Sign Agreement on Social Housing

The agreement between the Tauranga Moana & Te Puke Housing Consortium and the Masterton Trust House Community Enterprise is the first of its kind in New Zealand and comes at a time before the start of social housing transfers in Invercargill and Tauranga. Read...

CHA press release

The meeting of 160 delegates from Government, local government, community housing organisations, commercial partners and tenant groups will happen at the Community Housing Aotearoa-Impact conference running from October 21 to 23. Read our press release here.