KiwiBuild meets IwiBuild

The summit is an opportunity for Auckland iwi and Māori providers to discuss housing issues with key ministers. It will be attended by Hon Phil Twyford (Minister for Housing and Urban Development) and Hon Nanaia Mahuta (Minister for Māori Development). A key focus...

Rental prices continue to rise

“There have been so many cost and regulatory increases over the last few years that it isn’t a surprise that rental prices are increasing as they are” said NZPIF Executive Officer Andrew King. “Unfortunately the situation looks likely to...

The Nation: Construction Minister Jenny Salesa

Lisa Owen: The construction industry is under pressure, with demand for both residential and commercial work pushing the sector to full capacity. It’s estimated that just a 1% increase in productivity would increase national GDP by around $139 million. And...

Encumbrance instrument

Read the Encumbrance Instrument letter here.Encumbrance Instrument 10.04.18.pdf

CNSST Kotuku House – a new era in housing for Auckland

Mayor Phil Goff officially opened the new property. Hon Jenny Salesa, Minister for Building and Construction and Ethnic Communities, and Simon O’Connor, spokesperson for Social Housing and MP for Tamaki, gave speeches. CNSST Kotuku House was built by the Chinese...

Ngongotaha Angrily Rejects Council’s Special Housing Area Proposal

“Under the pretext of improving the supply of affordable houses,” said Glenys Searancke, RDRR Chair, “the Mayor has used the Housing Accords and Special Housing Areas Act to ram through a proposal for sign off by the Minister of Housing Phil Twyford. It will see a...

Have your say on whether tenants should pay letting fees

The Social Services and Community Committee is seeking submissions on the Residential Tenancies (Prohibiting Letting Fees) Amendment Bill. The bill aims to ensure that costs associated with letting a rental property are met by the landlord, who benefits from letting a...