​New Property Management Standards Needed

Currently, there are no standards for management of rental properties, whether looked after by a private landlord or professional agency. Anyone can call themselves a property manager – which can lead to bad experiences for both property owners and property...

Housing pressures require urgent action in face of ongoing growth

Rotorua is growing for the first time in more than a decade and that growth has created a housing shortage – we are under pressure. Almost daily we hear about the urgent need for more homes, calls for Council to do something about it and accusations we’re not doing...

Insight: Full House – Homelessness & Big Families

Maria is exhausted. The solo-mother to seven children under 17 years-old has been searching for somewhere to call home for almost a year. Wearing a faded blue T-shirt and brown floral lavalava, she cups her hands in her lap and speaks softly about the difficulties she...

Landlord fined for non-compliant gas supply

Lina Liu, the landlord of two boarding houses, was taken to the Tenancy Tribunal by MBIE’s Tenancy Compliance and Investigations Team (TCIT) for failing to meet her responsibilities under the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA). “Following complaints of a gas leak at one...

​CHA says government needs community input to fix housing

Chief Executive Scott Figenshow today endorsed the United Nation’s report into New Zealand’s progress on housing, which backs a call for a human rights based national housing strategy. Such a strategy would require housing to be affordable, habitable, accessible and...

Renters getting raw deal from property managers

Consumer NZ head of research Jessica Wilson said tenants who dealt with a property manager were much more likely to report their home lacked adequate heating and had persistent mould. “Compared with private landlords, property managers were also more likely to delay...

UN supports call for a human rights based housing strategy

This support was issued by the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, which recently reviewed New Zealand’s progress in areas including housing, health and education and released its concluding observations. A human rights based strategy requires...