Stop KiwiBuild Uncertainty

May 28, 2018 | News

Recent reports from Treasury and The Chief Executive of New Zealand Certified Builders indicating the programme may not be able to deliver the housing required creates uncertainty for families who see KiwiBuild as their path to homeownership.

In the middle of the worst housing crisis New Zealand has faced in at least two generations, such uncertainty has an adverse impact on affected households.

Kiwi families need to have certainty about Government plans to provide the level of housing required in the next five to ten years.

The Salvation Army is calling for Government to set up an expert group, charged with delivering the required number of KiwiBuild house quickly at an affordable cost for families needing them. Government Departments are not presently well equipped to direct the KiwBuild programme.

The KiwiBuild programme needs to be directed by New Zealanders who have between them a wide range of high-quality skills. We urge the Government to urgently convene such a group so that the KiwiBuild concept can deliver as quickly as possible this homeownership housing.

Read the story on Scoop here.

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