​Healthy Homes bill passes

The passing of the Healthy Homes Guarantee Act was passed by Government on 30 November and covers new standards for heating, insulation, ventilation, draught stopping, drainage and moisture. The bill can be found here. The Government will run a consultation process...

CORT Community Housing celebrates 30 years

Left – The funeral procession in protest against government housing policy in the early 1990’s on Ponsonby Road. From precarious finances to stability, from small beginnings to a place as one of New Zealand’s larger social housing providers with a current...

​Reserve Bank to ease LVR restrictions

NEWS RELEASE 29 NOVEMBER New Zealand’s financial system remains sound and risks to the system have reduced over the past six months, Reserve Bank Governor Grant Spencer said today when releasing the Bank’s November Financial Stability Report. “Momentum in the global...
Review of emergency housing occupancy/tenancy agreements

Review of emergency housing occupancy/tenancy agreements

Working alongside the Wellington (Emergency) Housing network, Te Waipounamu Housing Network, the Auckland Emergency Housing Network and the Tenants Protection Association, Christchurch, CHA will review current practice, relevant legislation and best practice to share...
Report on the Getting Ready workshop 23 November

Report on the Getting Ready workshop 23 November

Four areas were identified as key for the sector to focus on over the next 100 days. Participants felt strongly that an offer from the community housing sector be made to help activate KiwiBuild. The four areas are: 1)Central purchasing / procurement at...

Minister commissions stocktake of New Zealand’s housing crisis

The Government press release released on 25 November states: “For too long, the previous government refused to accept the housing crisis and establish the scale of the problem we face,” says Minister Twyford. “For instance, it was only once the Labour-led Government...

New tenancy advice resources available

The videos outline some key things to remember about starting and ending tenancies, how to get help with disputes, and how to keeping rentals healthy. Each little story has houses sharing information about renting, in a situation which is common for New Zealand...

Community Housing Aotearoa work with Construction Industry Council

CHA is pleased to be a member of the Construction Industry Council (CIC) as it aligns our work supporting community housing providers to link with the development and building sector. We are heartened by the depth and extent of work the CIC and its members are doing...