Number of housing consents doubled but is it enough?

Aug 29, 2016 | Research

The highest number on record was in the June 1974 year, when 13 new homes were consented for every thousand residents (compared with an average of nine for the decade).

In the year ended June 2016, the regions that consented the most new homes per thousand residents were:

  • Canterbury – 11
  • Bay of Plenty – 8
  • Waikato – 8
  • Tasman – 7
  • Otago – 7
  • Northland – 6
  • Auckland – 6.

Canterbury has the highest level of homes consented per capita due to the ongoing earthquake recovery. Auckland’s number is in line with the national average.

Over the past year, the regions surrounding Auckland (Northland, Waikato, and Bay of Plenty) have seen the largest increases in dwelling consents per capita.

New analysis from Statistics New Zealand

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