Papakainga developmnent guide

Recognising that papakainga development is a difficult and complex process for whanau, this guide clearly defines the process and provides whanau with a resource to support them to realise their papakainga aspirations. The guide is based on the Māori philosophical...

New papakainga opened

The Ranga-Bidois whānau developed a plan with Whānau Ora support and successfully applied for funding from Te Puni Kōkiri to help develop the project. The whānau then got funding for infrastructure and to build the homes from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and...

Māori Housing Network set up

The Māori Housing Network has been set up under Te Puni Kōkiri to support Māori-led housing initiatives and develop greater Māori capability in the sector.“Te Puni Kōkiri essentially becomes a one-stop shop to work alongisde whānau and lets them know what funding is...

Iwi collective keen to expand housing

The collective are keen to play a big part in the development of the region’s affordable housing. The development also includes social housing through a range of community providers, supported by a $29 million grant from the government’s social housing...