Te Matapihi search for new manager

As the Manager of Te Matapihi you will need to have excellent relationship building skills, with the ability to negotiate and influence at the highest level. You will have an understanding of the Māori housing sector and a desire to see it grow. You will need to be a...

Te Aro pā papakainga

This new community housing collaboration sees Wellington’s Dwell Housing Trust working closely with Te Aro Pā Trustees to provide a mix of tenures where descendants of Te Aro Pā can find a home on their own land. Dwell will be the tenancy managers for the housing. “We...

Investment available for Māori housing

In the 2015-16 financial year the Network will invest $14.491 million into improving Māori housing circumstances, having taken responsibility for some funding from MBIE and with some increases in the May 2015 Budget. Read more about the network’s investment...