Neighbourhood social mix and outcomes for social housing tenants: rapid review

Aug 16, 2016 | Research

The CRESA report found that the relationship between concentrated social housing and outcomes for social housing tenants does not necessarily have negative outcomes for the tenant. Rather, the authors found that:

Evidence around low concentrations of social housing and resulting benefits for social housing tenants is weak, benefits are mixed or remain undemonstrated (p.31)

CRESA’s analysis of the overseas literature highlights issues that need to be addressed irrespective of social mix proportions, that is, important factors that might mitigate negative outcomes for social housing tenants. These include:

·Design of both dwellings and the surrounding environment

·Allocation and tenant management

·Neighbourhood services, amenities and policing

·Retention of housing and community opportunities for social housing and low income households (p.34).

See the full CRESA report here:

Social Housing Rapid Review Report_1.pdf

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