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Nov 16, 2020 | News, Newsletters
Community Housing Aotearoa (CHA) Newsletter 16 November 2020.pdf
Oct 23, 2020 | News
Media Release Public Trust Community Finance.pdf
Oct 23, 2020 | News
Bays Community Housing Trust Article.pdf YouTube link to watch
Oct 19, 2020 | News, Newsletters
Community Housing Aotearoa (CHA) Newsletter 19 October 2020.pdf
Oct 8, 2020 | News
Nov 1, 2022 | Newsletters
Welcome to our latest newsletter. We cover the release of our Annual Report and our AGM, we seek feedback on our Conference topics, outline what submissions are currently being prepared, summarise the VUW Interns' work to produce CHRA Registration and Methamphetamine...
Oct 17, 2022 | Newsletters
Welcome to our latest newsletter. We cover the release of our latest report on Inclusionary Housing, the new Right At Home episode, the most recent LIPF round which will distribute up to $6.8million, the updated Public Housing Design Guidelines, the work of Te Ohu and...
Oct 3, 2022 | Newsletters
Welcome to our latest newsletter. We cover CHA National Council nominations extended, CHA Staff news, LIPF successful applicants announced, Kāhui Tū Kaha to deliver 24/7 support services at 139 Greys Avenue, we put a spotlight on accessible housing, Homeshare Services...
Sep 19, 2022 | Newsletters
Welcome to our latest newsletter. We cover Transitional Housing Code of Practice, a new Right At Home podcast episode is out, our conference website is live, Govt announce Pacific Wellbeing Strategy, what impact does public housing have on its tenants' wellbeing?,...
Sep 5, 2022 | Newsletters
Welcome to our latest newsletter. We cover the Overdose prevention centre proposed, $1million Innovation Fund launched, ITP deadline extended for applications, Update on family violence and termination for assault, our conference is coming back. PHO scheme helps 31...
Jun 29, 2016 | Submissions
CHA have two areas of concern in the bill, these relate to: 1. changes to the number of members a society must have to register an incorporated society 2. the number of days to appeal decisions to the High Court. You can read the submission here: CHA submission Inc...
Jun 29, 2016 | Submissions
CHA strongly support revision to the bill so that it activates a performance-based standard, for example, requiring properties to be able to achieve the World Health Organisation recommended interior temperature of 18C year-around (and 21C in certain circumstances)....
Jun 9, 2016 | Submissions
Their proposalis to partner with a third party social housing provider to form a new CHP that is separate to the council but that the council have a minority interest in. It appears that they are pursuing a similar path to Christchurch City Council which has stated...
Jun 7, 2016 | Submissions
The particular scope relates to the provision of development capacity in local authority plans to address both housing and business needs.This consultation document explains: Submissions close at 5.00pm on Friday 15 July 2016. Go here to see the plan. Here is some of...
Apr 27, 2016 | Submissions
"We request deferral of all development contributions for Retained Affordable Housing (see Auckland Accord and PAUP definitions), for the duration of the period that the residential unit is occupied by a household that meets the agreed definintions. The Council would...
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Nov 28, 2017 | Reports & Articles
Four areas were identified as key for the sector to focus on over the next 100 days. Participants felt strongly that an offer from the community housing sector be made to help activate KiwiBuild. The four areas are: 1)Central purchasing / procurement at...
Nov 9, 2017 | Reports & Articles
Read the report here: Housing-Quarterly-Report-Sep2017.pdf Key facts - September overview ·For the September quarter MSD has spent $563 million on housing support. This year MSD will spend around $2.3 billion on providing New Zealanders with housing support ranging...
Nov 2, 2017 | Reports & Articles
We heard from Alan Johnson, Salvation Army Social Policy and Research Unit, on the Taking Stock report he produced earlier in the year, with discussion facilitated by Kay Saville-Smith of CRESA. Consensus was reached on the goal and the settings necessary to build the...
Oct 26, 2017 | Reports & Articles
DEBBIE JAMIESON/STUFF Members of the Queenstown Lakes Mayoral Housing Affordability Taskforce presenting their recommendations: chairman John MacDonald, Queenstown Lakes Community Housing Trust executive officer Julie Scott, Queenstown Lakes District Mayor Jim Boult,...
Oct 5, 2017 | Reports & Articles
Following the workshop a paper was produced by the Network listing all the issues, barriers and possible solutions identified. This document is a refinement of that paper. At their May meeting the ACHPN considered the long-list of ideas brainstormed at the workshop...
Aug 29, 2016 | Research
The highest number on record was in the June 1974 year, when 13 new homes were consented for every thousand residents (compared with an average of nine for the decade). In the year ended June 2016, the regions that consented the most new homes per thousand residents...
Aug 24, 2016 | Research
“In 2013, more than half (52 per cent) of homeless adults were working, studying, or both, up from 49 per cent in 2006,” Dr Amore says.Read the press release here. The key findings in this research show: ·The severely housing deprived or 'homeless' population has...
Aug 16, 2016 | Research
The CRESA report found that the relationship between concentrated social housing and outcomes for social housing tenants does not necessarily have negative outcomes for the tenant. Rather, the authors found that: Evidence around low concentrations of social housing...
Jul 21, 2016 | Research
The survey of 1450 respondents, conducted by research company Buzz Channel, is the third undertaken by HRV to gain an insight into issues facing New Zealanders in their homes.Charles Crothers, Professor of Sociology at AUT, says a major issue highlighted in the survey...
Jul 19, 2016 | Research
“Landlords will be reassured to find there’s a gap between what they’re most concerned about, and the types of claims we see most often; accidents that can happen in any home,” says Amelia Macandrew, Customer Relations Manager at AA Insurance. “However, while...
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Level 11, Ranchhod Tower,
39 The Terrace /
102-112 Lambton Quay
PO Box 11543
Wellington 6142
+04 385 8722
Dec 12, 2016 | News
The project will include 240 house sites, 30 per cent of which will be set aside for Nga Potiki hapu members. The area has been designated a Special Housing Area. Manawa has been designed to reflect the historical and cultural connections the hapu has to the land,...Nov 22, 2016 | Events
Sep 15, 2016 | News
Te Matapihi he Tirohanga mo te Iwi Trust is the peak sector body for the Māori housing sector. Earlier this year they signed a funding agreement with Te Puni Kōkiri enabling the Trust to expand its role in supporting He Whare Ahuru, the Māori Housing Network and to...Aug 3, 2016 | Member profiles
Whare Ora papakāinga is a communal village set in 50 acres of land owned by He Korowai. It has been built from refurbished former state homes trucked up from Glen Innes and has a school and a community garden that includes 250 fruit trees. It is home to 17 adults and...Jul 18, 2016 | Events
“As whānau, hapū and iwi here in Tauranga Moana we’re excited to be able to host this bi-annual Maori housing conference. This year’s Māori Housing Conference theme is ‘Ma whero ma pango ka oti ai te mahi’ – Collaboration and Strategic...