Affordable housing on offer for Bay hapu

The project will include 240 house sites, 30 per cent of which will be set aside for Nga Potiki hapu members. The area has been designated a Special Housing Area. Manawa has been designed to reflect the historical and cultural connections the hapu has to the land,...

Patrick Gemmell appointed as new General Manager of Te Matapihi

Te Matapihi he Tirohanga mo te Iwi Trust is the peak sector body for the Māori housing sector. Earlier this year they signed a funding agreement with Te Puni Kōkiri enabling the Trust to expand its role in supporting He Whare Ahuru, the Māori Housing Network and to...

National Māori Housing Conference 2016- registrations open

“As whānau, hapū and iwi here in Tauranga Moana we’re excited to be able to host this bi-annual Maori housing conference. This year’s Māori Housing Conference theme is ‘Ma whero ma pango ka oti ai te mahi’ – Collaboration and Strategic...