​Dwell Housing Trust in the media

Here is Alison’s opinion piece and CHA’s letter to the editor in support of her piece: Community Housing Aotearoa – Letter to the editor 23 June 2016 Dear editor Alison Cadman, in her 18 June article, is right when she says what we need is a discussion about the...

HNZC -warm and dry poster

If a tenant, or anyone acting on behalf of a tenant, has any concerns about the condition of a Housing New Zealand property, HNZC encourage them to contact them on 0800 801 601. See more information here:Warm and Dry Programme.pdf As part of the warm and dry programme...

Otautahi Community Housing Trust employment opportunities

The Otautahi Community Housing Trust was incorporated as a Charitable Trust in 2016. Its formation reflects the wish of the Christchurch City Council (CCC) to move to a more financially sustainable model for its social housing portfolio, to improve the quality of its...
Auckland Council housing provision consultation

Auckland Council housing provision consultation

Their proposalis to partner with a third party social housing provider to form a new CHP that is separate to the council but that the council have a minority interest in. It appears that they are pursuing a similar path to Christchurch City Council which has stated...

Local authorities and social housing

This article has been developed from his presentation to the Wellington City Council. In his usual direct and engaging style, Shamubeel provides an insightful review of the current status of housing for the poor and vulnerable in New Zealand along with some of the...