People desensitised to poverty

The Child Poverty Action Group is calling for more support to be given to low income whānau to get into healthy and affordable homes. It is launching a campaign to enforce the need for a Warrant of Fitness for rental housing. George Makapatana, who has had 11-years of...

Property condition assessments RFP

The Transactions Unit is procuring these as part of the due diligence process for the potential transactions. The completed assessments are to “be provided to, and relied upon by, The Treasury, HNZC, and any potential bidder prior to a transaction”. Sourcing these...

Housing for older people in Auckland

The EOI invites organisations with a role in housing provision to advise of their interest in, and ability to be involved in, delivering housing for older people across the Tāmaki region. For further information go here.

Housing New Zealand’s maintenance programme

“Improving the quality of social housing is a big priority for this Government, and this maintenance work is a crucial part of Housing New Zealand’s business-as-usual programme to upgrade its properties,” Social Housing Minister, Paula Bennett says.Read more...