Case Study_Monte Cecilia_FINAL

“We want every New Zealander and their families to have a warm, dry home in a safe and healthy community,” Jacinda Ardern says.
“Today we are making an initial investment of $1 million to support Papakura Marae’s Papakāinga Plan that will support this community to provide homes for their whānau,” Jacinda Ardern announced today.
“Together we need to design and enable innovative approaches to accelerate whānau, hapū and iwi development,” Minister of Māori Development Nanaia Mahuta says.
The Māori Housing Fund supports whānau-led community development outcomes.
“Whānau leading their own development aspirations provides the platform to drive and lead development in their community. If we can support all whānau to thrive, this will create a step-change for New Zealand and create a more prosperous future for everyone,” Ms Mahuta say.
The Māori housing fund support initiatives that strengthen whānau and communities, improves housing but also provides opportunities and additional benefits such as learning new skills, building financial capability, and whānau participation in the local economy.
The $1 million to Papakura Marae will assist with infrastructure and construction of 6 Kaumātua flats on their Papakura Marae Site. The homes will be allocated to kaumātua by the Marae.
Community Housing Aotearoa (CHA) Newsletter - 3 March 20205
Community Housing Aotearoa (CHA) – Newsletter 10 February 2025
Community Housing Aotearoa (CHA) - Newsletter, 7 December 2024