Our Place

In New Zealand we are faced with an inter-generational problem of inadequate housing that needs to be fixed now. Our Place is a plan for delivering social and affordable housing in Aotearoa that has been prepared on behalf of the community housing sector by Community Housing Aotearoa.

Our Place Objectives

What we want this plan to achieve:

1. Positive outcomes for communities, families and individuals:

An increase in adequate housing that makes a measurable difference in the lives of communities, families and individuals.

2. Local responses to delivery:

An increase in local partnerships, supported by government, that meet community needs among iwi, the private sector, service providers and community housing organisations, each playing to their natural strengths.

3. Long term certainty of the operating environment:

A long term plan with committed resources and a stable policy framework, built on broad political consensus is necessary to achieve all New Zealanders well-housed. 

Everybody has the right to a home. Being well-housed includes ensuring housing adequacy and in this plan we have adopted the UN housing adequacy definition.

To view Our Place Full Report –  Place Report 2017


Adopt a nationwide housing Warrant of Fitness for rental housing by 1 July 2017. Severe housing deprivation reduced to zero by 2022.


Households pay no more than around 30% of their gross income in rent or mortgage.

Security of Tenure

Households are able to maintain housing for the duration of their choice.


Every household is able to secure permanent, accessible housing within 28 days, appropriate to their needs. Appropriate placement is available within 28 days to everyone on the MSD Social Housing Register.

Culturally Appropriate

All households have a choice of housing appropriate to their cultural needs.

The Four Pillars of Our Place

















































































Contact Us

Level 11, Ranchhod Tower

39 The Terrace/102-112 Lambton Quay
PO Box 11543
Wellington 6142

04 385 8722