Auckland Unitary Plan – why it needs to mandate affordable housing

Aug 3, 2016 | News

CHA encourages the Auckland Council to include essential affordable housing provisions when it adopts the recommendations of the independent hearings panel for the Auckland Unitary Plan. Affordability provisions requiring income-related and price-relative affordable dwellings will make an immediate impact on the most vulnerable victims of the housing crisis. They were left out of the panel’s recommendations.

Read Peter Jeffries’ speech given at the launch of the More Homes Coalition on 1 August:

Coalition Launch Jeffries.pdf

CHA’s letter to Mayor Len Brown and Auckland Council is here:

CHA – Auckland Unitary Plan.pdf

Here’s the letter from the NZ Housing Foundation:

Housing Foundation letter to his Worship the Mayor DF final 1 copy.pdf

and here is the Housing Foundation’s press release on the affordable housing provisions.:

Housing Foundation Statement on the Auckland Unitary Plan 7-08-16 FINAL.pdf

Read more about the recommendations here. And read more about affordability provisions for housing oin this New Zealand Herald report here.

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