Community Housing Aotearoa AGM and panel on Our Place 26 October

Aug 29, 2016 | Events

Panel discussion on Our Place – 9am to 1pm

This will be preceded by a panel discussion on Our Place: A Housing Plan for New Zealand, looking at what a real, comprehensive housing plan with multi-sector support would need to do to see all New Zealanders well-housed. We are checking the policies of the various political parties with the opinions of our stakeholders and advisors.

There is no charge for this event.

The CHA AGM – will be held between 2-3pm

The AGM is a chance to influence the CHA work plan. See the agenda for the AGM here.

Notice of CHA 2016 AGM.pdf

Important Dates:

Completed Council nomination forms received by CHA – 5pm, Tuesday 20 September 2016

Proposed amendments to CHA Constitution received by CHA – 5pm, Friday 30 September 2016

Proposed additions to the AGM Agenda received by CHA – 5pm, Friday 30 September 2016

CHA will distribute to all members the slate of candidates – 5pm, Wednesday 5 October 2016

For details on nominations, please see the attached document explaining the nomination and election process.

Nomination for CHA Council 2016-17 and job description.pdf

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