Our Place – Setting a direction for improving housing affordability in Aotearoa/New Zealand October 2016

Oct 20, 2016 | News

Since the May 2015 edition of Our Place we’ve learned about the need to show where affordability sits across the housing continuum. This allows us to inform the housing debate in terms of people’s needs rather than from the perspective of any single provider or government programme.

The actions in Our Place 2016 illustrate housing solutions across the continuum so that the strategic partners and natural allies to the community housing sector can support the plan.

The problem that Our Place addresses is the need for a comprehensive long-term plan that improves housing adequacy, delivered at the community level where it can generate the greatest benefit for all New Zealanders.

Here is the plan:

Our Place October 2016 final.pdf

Our Place is a working document and it will change as we hear from you. We want your feedback on the plan going forward to the CHA-Impact Conference 2017.

Go here to and let us know what you think

Read more detail on the actions page here

Our Place sources and definitions.pdf

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