Developer and incoming resident experiences of the establishment phase at Waimahia Inlet

Nov 21, 2016 | Research

The development arose out of the shared interests of the consortium partners to provide good-quality, affordable housing for lower income New Zealand households. This report presents the findings of a study on the establishment phase of the development.

The case study contributes to a broader project, Resilient Urban Futures, concerned with the social, economic and environmental performance of different models of urban development. Waimahia is interesting for a number of reasons:

– it is being carried out by a consortium of Māori organisations and community housing providers, drawing on the complementary capacities of these groups and their shared interest in providing affordable, good-quality housing for those in need

– it is the largest third sector housing project undertaken to date in Aotearoa

– it was the first Special Housing Area designated under the Auckland Housing Accord, signed between central government and Auckland Council in September 2013.

Go here to read the report

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