Auckland Council position on homelessness

Aug 10, 2017 | News

You can find the comprehensive report to the Auckland Council Environment and Community Committee on this area here:

AKL Council homelessness position.pdf

The committee made the following decisions following the presentation of this report:

Auckland Council’s position and role in improving, ending and preventing homelessness

Resolution number ENV/2017/118 MOVED by Mayor P Goff, seconded by Cr C Casey:

That the Environment and Community Committee:

a) agree that Auckland Council’s preferred position and role on homelessness is an aspirational approach where homelessness is rare, brief and nonrecurring1 , and the council’s role (in addition to the status quo) is to strengthen established levers, with a focus on:

  • strategic leadership, including a cross-sectoral homelessness plan
  • inter-sectoral coordination in terms of a shared vision and goals systematic integration of homelessness into relevant policies and regulation,
  • development of a sustainable funding base
  • monitoring and evaluation, advocacy for central government social and affordable housing strategies which directly address homelessness
  • Working with the private sector and formalising partnerships with central government agencies and non-government organisations (NGOs) for the delivery of integrated health and social services.

b.) request the Chief Executive to report back to the committee with an implementation plan including:

  • establishing mechanisms to engage with cross-sectoral agencies
  • analysis of relevant housing demand and supply
  • a more detailed stocktake
  • a shared purpose statement and high level, cross-sectoral plan
  • costings
  • a monitoring framework.

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