Report on meeting with Hon Alfred Ngaro and ACHPN network

Oct 5, 2017 | Reports

Following the workshop a paper was produced by the Network listing all the issues, barriers and possible solutions identified.

This document is a refinement of that paper. At their May meeting the ACHPN considered the long-list of ideas brainstormed at the workshop and distilled these to short-list of key actionable items that will make a real difference to Auckland’s housing situation.

It is this shortlist the Auckland network is proposing we work with Government to address.The issues shortlisted and our suggested approach are outlined below. The summary also raises a number of wider issues that are beyond the Community housing sectors capacity to influence however in their view also require addressing.

You can read ACHPN Forum: Issues, Barriers, Solutions Updated: 9 August 2017 here:

ACHPN Solutions Barriers 18 August 17 copy.pdf

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