Age Concerns Everyone

Mar 6, 2018 | Events

We are all ageing and have an interest in creating a society that respects, values and celebrates the contribution of all older New Zealanders. By 2036 it is anticipated that one in four people will be 65 years of age or older. By investing now in solutions that support the transition to an ageing society, New Zealand’s future social and economic prosperity will be protected so we can all flourish. We want you to be part of the conversation so please register you and your team members for this exciting event.

The line-up of speaker presentations includes: The Ageing Well National Science Challenge research, housing and older worker discussion panels, scamming and online safety, Maori solutions to issues affecting Maori, LGBTQI issues, volunteering and caring, and the Campaign to End Loneliness. Read the full programme.

We all have a role to play alongside government, business, funders, researchers and the community and voluntary sector to support an ageing population.

Together we can make New Zealand a great place to live at any age. Please join us!

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