Housing a springboard to whānau development

Nov 13, 2018 | News

Nanaia Mahuta opened the National Māori Housing Conference 2018 in the Waikato. This is the first time that Waikato-Tainui have hosted the conference.

In her opening address, Nanaia Mahuta announced a new programme to help Māori build their financial capability to achieve their housing aspirations.

“One of our Budget announcements this year was a $15 million Māori housing fund to support whānau-led community development outcomes.

“I am proud to be part of Government that wants to pioneer a new kind of leadership. A leadership that puts people, whānau and communities at the centre of everything that we do.

“Whānau leading their own development aspirations provides the platform to drive and lead development in their community. If we can support all whānau to thrive, this will create a step-change for New Zealand and create a more prosperous future for everyone.

Te Puni Kōkiri will manage the $15 million Māori housing fund for use towards papakāinga housing developments and community-led housing repair programmes. The investment in housing will be the catalyst for wider community development,“ said Nanaia Mahuta.

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