Insulation in rental homes – video information for non-English speakers

Dec 18, 2018 | Uncategorised

All landlords must have insulated their rental properties to the right standard by 1 July 2019, or they could pay penalties of up to $4,000 per property.

It’s really important to Tenancy Services that non-English-speaking landlords and tenants living in New Zealand are aware of this information so they don’t get caught out in July next year.

They’ve produced a 15 second video which is subtitled in 15 languages besides English, to help people understand what they need to do.

Video about insulation (English version)

More information about insulation (Translations of this webpage are available in 15 languages besides English)

Other resources that are also available in multiple languages:

Renting and You (publication)
Tenants – Know your rights! (pocket card)
Live in a boarding house? Know your rights! (pocket card)

Here is their YouTube playlist, which has all 15 translated videos.

Find information about their phone lines and Language Line here.

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