‘My Place’ Engagement About to Begin

Feb 15, 2019 | News

QLDC Planning and Development General Manager Tony Avery advised these 90-minute focused sessions have come about due to a number of statutory consultations coming up in 2019 which relate to future development in our district’s townships.

“Stage Three of the District Plan review will get underway later this year and has a focus that includes Townships, Industrial Zones, Affordable and Community Housing. This Townships chapter directly affects the smaller communities in the district, so we are coming to talk to Makarora, Hāwea, Luggate, Albert Town, Glenorchy & Kinloch, and Kingston”, said Mr Avery.

QLDC Communications & Engagement Manager Naell Crosby-Roe said that alongside the District Plan review, QLDC is also developing strategies relating to climate change, housing, and future development.

“It’s logical to have this as part of a comprehensive conversation that the community can participate in. There’s a lot in the pipeline as we enter the second year of the 2018-2028 Ten Year Plan and we want to give people the opportunity to engage in an easy and accessible way. So we are bringing this first group of engagements together into the My Place roadshow,” said Mr Crosby-Roe.

While the Townships aspect of the District Plan review does not affect other parts of the district, there will also be workshops for Queenstown-Wakatipu, Arrowtown & Arthurs Point, and Wānaka to discuss ideas for the climate change, housing and future development strategies.

“We look forward to hearing ideas from these communities which will help to inform the strategies in development and Stage Three of the District Plan review ahead of formal consultation later in the year. For those who can’t make the workshops, we encourage you to please provide your feedback online at http://letstalk.qldc.govt.nz,” Mr Crosby-Roe added.

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