Community housing sector looks forward to innovation and action following Cabinet reshuffle

Jul 1, 2019 | News

“The community housing sector has always been about taking innovative approaches when old models have failed. We share Prime Minister Ardern’s frustration at the lack of progress in achieving her government’s vision for housing.

“The community housing sector now looks forward to working closely with Kris Faafoi, the newly-appointed associate minister with special responsibility for public housing,” says CHA chief executive Scott Figenshow.

“We also look forward to hearing more from Housing Minister Megan Woods on the KiwiBuild reset, which we hope will include the KiwiBuy programme, just one of several community housing sector initiatives,” says Mr Figenshow.

“This would be one practical step towards ensuring all New Zealanders are well-housed.”

“While housing ministers have come and gone over the past 20 or so years, the community housing sector has stayed resolutely focused on providing affordable housing for New Zealanders for whom traditional models have failed.

“The creation of the new ministerial roles demonstrates both the size and complexity of the issue as well as the need to look at the whole housing system.

“The Prime Minister has clearly indicated a new approach is needed, and she wants to tackle the ‘full breadth’ of housing issues. The community housing sector agrees wholeheartedly.

“Let’s get on with it, together, while holding Minister Woods, Associate Minister Faafoi and their colleagues and her team accountable for helping to ensure New Zealanders in challenging and disadvantaged circumstances can get access to decent, affordable housing,” says Mr Figenshow.

Contact: Scott Figenshow 021 0619664

Community Housing Aotearoa is the peak body for New Zealand’s community housing sector.
Our 90 provider members house approximately 25,000 people nationally across 13,000 houses.
Our 19 partner members include developers, consultants and local councils

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