Preferred bidders announced for Tauranga and Invercargill

Mar 17, 2016 | News

The short-listed Respondents are the Pact Group for Invercargill, and Accessible Properties, Hapori Connect Tauranga* and Kāinga Community Housing Partners* for Tauranga.

The Preferred Bidder for each region is expected to be announced in the third quarter of this calendar year.

*Hapori Connect Tauranga consortium members are John Laing Infrastructure Fund, Pinnacle Community Housing and Brookfields Global Integrated Solutions.

*Kāinga Community Housing Partners consortium members are Morrison & Co, Trust House Ltd, Compass Housing Service Co, Programmed FM, Ngā Pōtiki a Tamapahore Trust and Tapuika Iwi Authority Trust.

Read CHA’s press release here. Here is the NZCID press release.

Scott Figenshow talks to Radio New Zealand here.

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