Agreement on Auckland land development

Sep 4, 2015 | News

The Government and iwi have formed an agreement acknowledging the Tamaki Collective has the right of first refusal to develop land set aside for housing.As part of the agreement, 20 percent of the homes in any development would be made available to the community housing sector, and a further 20 percent to be affordable housing.Read more here.

Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Trust’s deputy chair Ngarimu Blair said of the agreement “The agreement outlines our shared commitment to 40% of new houses built under the programme being made available for social and affordable housing.At the same time, it clarifies how the Government and iwi will engage with one another in relation to surplus Crown land.” Read more here.

Scott Figenshow (CHA Director) comments that community housing groups are keen to work in partnership with iwi on this development. Listen here to Scott’s comments.

Here are the links to important information regarding this development:

1. The protocol between Crown and Iwi

2. Housing agreement

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