Auckland council announce partnership for housing older people

Jan 11, 2016 | News

The Council’s brief was to find a community housing partner that could work alongside council to secure long term social housing for Auckland’s older people.

The Selwyn Foundation has been providing services for vulnerable elderly people since 1954. Chief Executive Officer, Garry Smith, says, “As a community housing partner, this is as much about people and their well-being as it is about housing. We are looking at innovative ways to expand our services, so we can help greater numbers of elderly who are isolated and struggling, and to create safe, thriving, age-friendly communities and thus eliminate the scourges of social isolation and loneliness.

“Today’s most challenging issues for older people are a lack of social housing, loneliness and general hardship, all of which can have a very negative effect on people’s health and make them particularly vulnerable.

“This opportunity allows us to ensure the future of affordable housing and better lives for those who are in need,” he says.

Read more here.

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