Case Study_Monte Cecilia_FINAL

The Auckland Development Committee today voted by 14 to 8 to increase the amount of council-owned housing for older people.
The Notice of Motion (attached) was presented by Councillors Cathy Casey and John Watson. Presentations in support were made at the committee by Auckland Council’s Seniors Panel, Richard Northey of Auckland District Council of Social Services and Bill Rayner of Auckland Grey Power.
Auckland Council currently owns 1412 houses for older people. There were 380 people on the waiting list as at March 2016.
Councillor Casey says “During the Annual Plan process we heard submissions from all the organisations working with older people outlining the dire need for more council investment in housing for older people. Our current Housing Action plan states that we will enable redevelopment projects on existing council housing for the elderly sites while maintaining at least the existing number of units for older people. Today we changed this to read “increase the number of units for older people” and we will now look at the financial consequences of this decision.”
Read more here. Go here to read the Development Committeerecord of the meeting.
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