Case Study_Monte Cecilia_FINAL

These first 18 homes are warm, modern and architecturally-designed stand-alone homes, made up of 12 three-bedroom homes selling for $579,000 and six four-bedroom homes selling for $649,000. The ballot runs for four weeks.
Jacinda Ardern says KiwiBuild is restoring the Kiwi dream of home ownership to thousands of families who have been priced out of the housing market in Auckland and around the country.
“Our Government is opening the door to families locked out of home ownership by building affordable starter homes where the market failed to do so. The ballot that opens today gives those that pre-qualify an equal chance of being able to buy their own KiwiBuild home,” said Jacinda Ardern
“KiwiBuild is the major plank in our Government’s plan to make housing more affordable. We have also changed the law to stop overseas speculators pricing New Zealanders out of the market.
“After nine years of neglect under National we now have a Government that is making affordable homeownership a priority for the tens of thousands of New Zealanders missing out. Today’s ballot shows that help is on the way.”
Phil Twyford said another 12 properties already under construction at the McLennan development will be completed before Christmas, including seven terraced two-bedroom homes and five four-bedroom homes. Next year a further 58 mainly three bedroom homes will be built at the Papakura location.
“This is just the beginning. Later this week our Government will be announcing the start of the next tranche of KiwiBuild homes – the first homes to be bought off the plans.”
Phil Twyford urged anyone considering entering the ballot for KiwiBuild homes at McLennan to get a thorough understanding of the property first and speak to their bank manager.
Read the story on Scoop here.
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