CHA 2022 Annual Report and Audited Accounts

Nov 2, 2022 | Reports

What a year for our Community Housing Aotearoa Ngā Wharerau o Aotearoa team.

Our Annual Report highlights our service delivery, including:
– 16 submissions to central and local government.
– 30 trainings and events delivered on topics ranging from public health research to key information for frontline workers engaging with MSD.
– 2855 people participating in those trainings and events.
– 7 networks supported around the country, with 159 members in those networks.
-35,000 people reached on our social channels with a 758% increase in views on our LinkedIn page alone.
– a Podcast and Op-Ed series launched to celebrate and tell the stories of our sector, with the podcast consistently in top 10% of New Zealand’s Not-For-Profit podcasts.

Not to mention our strategic work on inclusionary housing, Pacific housing, benchmarking and workforce development, the Homelessness Action Plan, our development pipeline software, and ongoing and various advocacy on issues important to our members and on the right to a decent home. (And not to mention COVID).

To read more click here.

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