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CHA-IMPACT conference 7-9 June 2017
Set in the inspiring venue of TE PAPA on Wellington’s waterfront, this year’s conference will create the pathway to turning the vision and goals of ‘Our Place’ into a reality. It will offer you the chance to take part in this dialogue and learn about innovation from overseas and in New Zealand that can shape the way we provide housing solutions.
This will be a forward-looking, influential event in the development of New Zealand’s housing policy that will explore the following themes:
• Delivering homes – development, finance, stock transfer, partnerships
• Ending homelessness – emergency housing, homelessness and housing first
• Delivering services – tenancy management, housing support, community development, design and sustainable housing
• Building capacity – regulation (CHRA), best practice, MSD contracting and purchasing strategy, information and skill development.
The preliminary programme is up on the conference web page now.
We’re delighted to announce that Wellington Mayor Justin Lester will deliver the opening address on Wednesday 7 June at the conference.You’ll also want to join us to hear the keynote presenters who will be Nan Roman of the US National Alliance to End Homelessness; and Mike Myers, Managing Director of Australia’s National Affordable Housing Consortium.
Book now – early bird open until 28 April – visit
We wish to thank our Platinum level sponsors Wellington City Council, The Treasury, MBIE and Ministry for Social Development for their generous support and enabling this three-day conference to remain affordable.
Here’s more on our key presenters:
Nan Roman is President and CEO of the US National Alliance to End Homelessness, a public education, advocacy and capacity-building organisation. She is a leading national voice on the issue of homelessness. Under her guidance, the Alliance has successfully identified and promoted innovative strategies for ending homelessness that have been adopted by communities across the country. In her role, Ms. Roman works closely with members of Congress and the Administration, as well as with officials and advocates at the state and local levels. She collaborates with Alliance partners to educate the public about the real nature of homelessness and effective solutions. Taking an evidence based and planned approach to ending homelessness, we’ll learn from Nan Roman about her work in the US and explore how this can be applied here in New Zealand
Mike Myers has spent over 30 years in senior roles in social and affordable housing in Australia. This has included public housing, policy development, legal and advisory services in the UK and in Australia. From 1998 Mike was the Executive Director of a community housing peak body in Queensland and served for 10 years on the Community Housing Federation of Australia Board. He also spent five years on the Board of the Australian Council of Social Services, the national peak body. He is the founder and Managing Director of the National Affordable Housing Consortium, which was established in 2008. NAHC is one of Australia’s not-for-profit leaders in the provision of affordable housing with over 3,500 new affordable rental homes built in the last seven years and attracting $1.3Billion in private investment. NAHC has recently established a shared equity home ownership program to assist people transition from renting to buying. At the conference we will hear from Mike about his experiences with capacity building in the Australian community housing sector and we will discuss what this means in a New Zealand context.
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