Case Study_Monte Cecilia_FINAL

On 15 April, with thanks to our gracious host BECA at their Pitt St, Auckland Auditorium, over 100 gathered for a panel discussion with Andrew Wilson (Accessible Properties), Dominic Foote (NZ Housing Foundation), Rohan Bush (Auckland Council), John Abel-Pattinson (Blackstone Group), and Steve Penney (HRL Morrison). The panel was facilitated by David Holden (Anderson Lloyd). Chris White, Director of Commercial Operations at The Treasury presented and we are grateful for his engagement in the lively conversation. The panel reinforced the key messages that Scott Figenshow and Stephen Selwood delivered around the need for certainty, scale, and confirming that both CHOs and commercial partners are looking for how we can deliver better outcomes for tenants, families and communities.
Partnering for Progress presentation CHA-NZCID available here (PDF 2.4MB).
On 30 March, CHA Director Scott Figenshow and NZCID CEO Stephen Selwood made a joint presentation to officials from MSD, Treasury, MBIE, and DPMC. The presentation covered information on the sector survey CHA completed late last year, findings from the 11 March CHA/NZCID workshop, and the key issues members of both organisations have identified to advance their efforts to deliver social and affordable housing at scale.
30 March 2015 Joint NZCID and CHA Presentation to MBIE/MSD/Treasury available here (PDF 3.2MB).
Community Housing Aotearoa (CHA) – Newsletter 10 February 2025