Case Study_Monte Cecilia_FINAL

Established in the early 1970s by Topsy Ratahi and Huia Timu – Ngāti Kahungunu ki te Wairoa kuia, He Herenga Kura now has over 50 years’ experience providing a tangata whenua response to ending homelessness and realising the aspirations of whānau.
We walk with whānau and hāpori to ignite self-determination and pursue vibrant, flourishing futures for generations to come.
Our mahi is rooted in Whānau Ora and our organisational values:
Manaakitanga, Kotahitanga, Rangatiratanga, Whanaungatanga.
The CHA Constitution sets out two categories of members – Full and Partner – these are defined below:
These are Iwi, Maori and Pacific Island and Community or voluntary housing organisations and groups which are either:
a) Providers of Community housing, or
b) Groups intending or seeking to become providers of Community- housing, or
c) Groups of residents/tenants of community housing, or
d) Groups which advocate for Community housing or residents of Community housing as part of their work.
The annual fee for Full Members is based on your organisation’s gross income:
1. Up to $1m, the fee is $500 +GST
2. From $1m to $5m the fee is $1,000 +GST
3. $5m and over the fee is $1,500 +GST per annum.
These are individuals, local authorities, private development companies, and other private and public entities which invest, operate, own or develop affordable, Community and/or Social housing.
If you have a question about which category of membership you should apply for, please contact us to discuss.
The annual fee for Partner Member is fixed at $250 + GST per annum.
The membership year is from 1 Jan – 30 Dec.