Case Study_Monte Cecilia_FINAL

NTHT provides quality, affordable, healthy homes and services for people on low-to-modest incomes. The Trust was established in 2004 as a community response to declining housing affordability in Nelson and Tasman. NTHT has built and operates 54 rental homes and leases one other. As of early 2024 we have another 24 homes in development on three sites. We offer a mix of affordable rentals and public housing. NTHT also manages a 20-home papakāinga for Te Awhina Marae in Motueka, and administers the Warmer Healthier Homes project, providing insulation for low-income homeowners. WHH has insulated over 3000 older homes across Te Tauihu/the Top of the South Island in the past ten years.
NTHT collaborates with many other community agencies to address housing need: we provide Housing Advice to people seeking in housing in Nelson, do action research to Monitor Local Housing Need every 6-months, and help to lead the Housing Vulnerability Network, which provides up-to-date housing information and resources for local community workers.
The CHA Constitution sets out two categories of members – Full and Partner – these are defined below:
These are Iwi, Maori and Pacific Island and Community or voluntary housing organisations and groups which are either:
a) Providers of Community housing, or
b) Groups intending or seeking to become providers of Community- housing, or
c) Groups of residents/tenants of community housing, or
d) Groups which advocate for Community housing or residents of Community housing as part of their work.
The annual fee for Full Members is based on your organisation’s gross income:
1. Up to $1m, the fee is $500 +GST
2. From $1m to $5m the fee is $1,000 +GST
3. $5m and over the fee is $1,500 +GST per annum.
These are individuals, local authorities, private development companies, and other private and public entities which invest, operate, own or develop affordable, Community and/or Social housing.
If you have a question about which category of membership you should apply for, please contact us to discuss.
The annual fee for Partner Member is fixed at $250 + GST per annum.
The membership year is from 1 Jan – 30 Dec.