Case Study_Monte Cecilia_FINAL
Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga
Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga is committed to our mission ‘Mauri ora ki te mana Māori o Heretaunga’ (Realising Whānau Potential). We are the lead provider for Whānau Ora for the Hawkes Bay region, providing a large range of health and social services to help support our vision for a healthy vibrant whānau. Social and affordable housing is one of those services.
Te Whare Āhurutanga is the facility that encapsulates this vision. The 11 bedroomed whare is designed especially for kaumātua who are still independent but would benefit from the support of shared living in a homely family atmosphere. Te Whare Āhurutanga was built to meet the needs of kaumātua who are not ready to enter a rest home but would value the wrap-around support this housing provides.
Te Whare Huakina is driven from the whakatauāki ‘Huakina te tatau o te whare’ (Open the door of the house). TToH is proud to partner with Emerge Aotearoa ( to support vulnerable whānau out of both Emergency Housing (Motels) and also Transitional Housing (Houses) and into longer-term sustainable housing options. Te Whare Huakina embraces whānau ora Kaupapa Māori approach and is about ‘Opening the door to a house’ for a short-term, which helps whānau to ‘Open the door to better opportunities’ in the long-term.
We also have many aspirations to do more within housing, such as extending current services, networking and sharing housing information with other NGOs who support all HB vulnerable whānau. This includes the goal of the Waingakau Village
Become a member
Membership Benefits
- Voice of the sector: contribute to whole-of-sector policy positions
- Conferences and training at a reduced member rate
- Fortnightly e-bulletins sent directly to your inbox
- Access to a members-only section on the CHA website
- Participation in member surveys and forums
- Access to the CHA quality assurance programme and training
- Advance notices about new developments and initiatives.
The CHA Constitution sets out two categories of members – Full and Partner – these are defined below:
Full Membership
These are Iwi, Maori and Pacific Island and Community or voluntary housing organisations and groups which are either:
a) Providers of Community housing, or
b) Groups intending or seeking to become providers of Community- housing, or
c) Groups of residents/tenants of community housing, or
d) Groups which advocate for Community housing or residents of Community housing as part of their work.
The annual fee for Full Members is based on your organisation’s gross income:
1. Up to $1m, the fee is $500 +GST
2. From $1m to $5m the fee is $1,000 +GST
3. $5m and over the fee is $1,500 +GST per annum.
Partner Membership
These are individuals, local authorities, private development companies, and other private and public entities which invest, operate, own or develop affordable, Community and/or Social housing.
If you have a question about which category of membership you should apply for, please contact us to discuss.
The annual fee for Partner Member is fixed at $250 + GST per annum.
The membership year is from 1 Jan – 30 Dec.