Case Study_Monte Cecilia_FINAL

The Trust’s main aim is to ensure that a disabled person has the maximum opportunity to increase their independence. The Trust provides information, advice and support relating to housing and accessibility issues.
Residential housing is the primary objective of the trust and the principal service offered. We provide fully accessible homes at affordable rents. When we are not able to offer one of the Trust’s homes, we work with prospective tenants to link them with other alternative accessible housing, via other housing providers.
We can provide information as to universal accessible design, including plans, which utilise the barrier-free standards. We can also assist with information about accessible modifications within the home. This has also included building accessible homes on Māori land and the unique challenges that this involves.
The CHA Constitution sets out two categories of members – Full and Partner – these are defined below:
These are Iwi, Maori and Pacific Island and Community or voluntary housing organisations and groups which are either:
a) Providers of Community housing, or
b) Groups intending or seeking to become providers of Community- housing, or
c) Groups of residents/tenants of community housing, or
d) Groups which advocate for Community housing or residents of Community housing as part of their work.
The annual fee for Full Members is based on your organisation’s gross income:
1. Up to $1m, the fee is $500 +GST
2. From $1m to $5m the fee is $1,000 +GST
3. $5m and over the fee is $1,500 +GST per annum.
These are individuals, local authorities, private development companies, and other private and public entities which invest, operate, own or develop affordable, Community and/or Social housing.
If you have a question about which category of membership you should apply for, please contact us to discuss.
The annual fee for Partner Member is fixed at $250 + GST per annum.
The membership year is from 1 Jan – 30 Dec.