Case Study_Monte Cecilia_FINAL
CoHousing Hui Summary: Videos, Slides and More
Maybe you have some colleagues who weren’t able to attend, or there was a sliver of wisdom you can’t quite recall. Whatever the situation, we’ve got it covered 🙂
We managed to record some great footage from the day and although we didn’t manage to capture everything (sorry CLOser Developments), we’ve uploaded, edited and shared all of the content we had (and that we have permission to share).
You can find the full playlist on the Youtube channel here.
We’ve broken our recordings up into
– the Morning session,
– Pecha Kucha from CLOser and High Street (because our screen recording stopped and we had to improvise) and
– the Closing session.
If you’re unfamiliar with Open Space sessions, you’ll now be aware of the FOMO that arises with an abundance of content and conversation and only the one body. However, we have sweet relief for your FOMO in the form of slides!
Alan Borthwick | DUX Financial Services – Obtaining lending for CoHousing through the banks
Arti Chand Tax Law – Tax & Legal considerations for different CoHousing Structures
Greer O’Donnell | The Urban Advisory – An Incorporated Society for supporting and enabling collective housing communities
Listen up!
Hear Bill McKay on RNZ Nine-to-Noon and read this Newsroom article giving a rundown on the day.
NZ Co-Housing taking off: Bill McKay on RNZ Nine to Noon, 18 February 2019:
‘New Solutions’ to Housing Crisis: Newsroom, 20 February 2019:
On the topic of community…
WARNING: Shameless self-promotion
On the topic of collective procurement, collective building and cultivating a healthy community, I couldn’t think of a better audience for Better Work Together, a new book co-authored by members of the enspiral network.
Whether you’re exploring collective governance, self-management, liberating structures or cultivating communities with a culture of personal accountability and growth, this book is chocka full of insights, recipes and guides to help navigate the brave new world of working (and living) as peers.
While the CoHousing Hui 2019 is done and dusted, the work has only just begun…
Things to keep on your radar:
• Michael LaFond is coming to NZ in April and Mark Southcombe will likely be in touch to let you know what his flight path looks like. If you’re keen to bring him to a location near you, get in touch with Mark soon!
• The Society for Alternative (Housing) Development is still taking form and new members! Some of the organising crew are also in touch about creating a shared (digital) platform for advocacy and promoting awareness. If this is something you’re interested in or would like to support, then reach out!
• Each other! We’re all working towards a better way of living and sharing lessons, heartbreaks (and templates) saves others the same time, pain and effort. Make sure you let us know if you don’t want to share your details…
P.S. For all you Architects out there, we’ll be assigning CPD points to those we recognise, however if you didn’t add your organisation to your ticket, get in touch with Sam from Parsonson’s and include your NZRAB registration number in your email.
Until next time…haere rā
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