Community Housing Aotearoa AGM 24 October 2017

Sep 4, 2017 | News

Building our sector for 2030 – 24 October 10 am to 1 pm

Preceding the AGM we are holding a workshop:‘Building our sector for 2030’ on 24 October. The workshop will delve into the ‘Taking Stock’ report and we will work with you to determine the transformation your organisation might undertake to respond to the regional supply challenges.

Community Housing Aotearoa AGM 2 pm to 3 pm

Please consider if you, or one of your board/trustee members, would be a good candidate for the CHA Council. We are encouraging full members to vote by email or postal mail to allow us to devote more time during the Annual General Meeting to discussing the priority activities of CHA.

Please note the constitution states that only full members have voting rights.

Nominations for Council members will open on 1 September and must be received by 26 September. We will also send a ballot for Council member voting after the nomination period closes on 26 September.

Community Housing Aotearoa (CHA) is seeking to elect four Council members at this year’s AGM.

The CHA constitution, updated in October 2015, provides for a maximum of five elected Council seats. In addition, one seat is appointed by Te Matapihi and up to three appointments may be made by the Council.

This election is to be held during the 2017 Annual General Meeting in Wellington at Te Wharewaka o Poneke – 2 Taranaki St.

Please note these dates:

·Council nominations received – 5pm 26 September 2017

·Proposed amendments to the constitution – 5pm, 28 September 2017

·Proposed additions to the agenda – 5pm, 28 September 2017

·The slate of candidates and voting forms will be distributed on 5 October


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