Council continues to approve Special Housing Areas to address supply pressure and rising prices

Mar 23, 2018 | News

At a Council meeting on 20 March 2018, Council approved an additional four Special Housing Area applications to be recommended to the Associate Minister of Housing and Urban Development for consideration.

3D Hill Street North
2 City Heights
31 Tipahi Street
397 Suffolk Road

Approval is subject to the developer entering into a legal Deed with the Council to ensure adequate infrastructure is available to support the development. The Council looks forward to recommending these developments to the Associate Minister for Cabinet approval in due course once the conditions of the Deed are satisfied.

This latest round of approval bolsters the number of Special Housing Areas approved by Council to 37, with a potential yield of around 1500 residential units. Council is continuing to actively work with applicants to ensure infrastructure requirements can be met so recommendations for new housing developments can be made to the Associate Minister.

Seven developments with an expected yield of 500 dwellings have met the necessary conditions and are awaiting Cabinet approval to ease the pressure on housing supply in our region. The developments represent a good mix of housing types including single family homes, townhouses, apartments and retirement homes.

Mayor Reese says “The Council is hopeful that the next round of Cabinet meetings will see approval of the Special Housing Area developments that are waiting to proceed. Special Housing Areas are one of the important tools for increasing housing supply in Nelson where we are experiencing a continued tight residential market with rising prices.”

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